Index of /gentoo-portage/metadata/md5-cache/app-emacs/

Manifest.gz                                        11-Dec-2023 14:40    103K
a-1.0.0                                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     605
ace-window-0.10.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     568
actionscript-mode-7.2.2_p20180527                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     637
adaptive-wrap-0.8                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     529
all-the-icons-5.0.0_p20230316                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     821
all-the-icons-dired-2.0                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     640
all-the-icons-ibuffer-1.3.0                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     655
all-the-icons-ivy-rich-1.9.0                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     673
amx-3.4                                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     593
analog-1.9.99                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     559
anaphora-1.0.4                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     595
ansi-0.4.1_p20211104                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     702
apache-mode-2.2.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     565
apel-10.8_p20201106                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     688
apel-10.8_p20220721                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     688
apheleia-3.2                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     560
apheleia-4.0                                       26-Nov-2023 00:11     561
assess-0.6                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     633
async-1.9.7                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     561
async-1.9.8                                        27-Nov-2023 19:10     563
atomic-chrome-2.0.0-r1                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     622
auctex-13.2                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     755
auto-complete-1.5.1-r2                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     638
autoconf-mode-2.71                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     625
autothemer-0.2.18                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     571
autothemer-9999                                    10-Nov-2023 10:41     578
avy-0.5.0                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     556
avy-embark-collect-0.23                            24-Oct-2023 17:10     597
avy-embark-collect-1.0                             10-Dec-2023 19:40     596
avy-embark-collect-9999                            10-Nov-2023 10:41     583
basic-toolkit-0.7                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     641
bbdb-3.2.2b                                        13-Nov-2023 22:50    1219
biblio-0.3                                         13-Nov-2023 13:10     690
binclock-1.11                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     558
bind-chord-2.4.4                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     679
bind-key-2.4.4                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     595
bison-mode-0.3-r1                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     528
blogmax-20170321                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     629
bm-202309                                          31-Oct-2023 00:40     566
bnf-mode-0.4.5                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     648
bongo-1.1                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     662
boogie-friends-0.1_p20220922                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     788
boxquote-2.3                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     524
browse-kill-ring-2.0.0                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     623
bubblet-0.74-r1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     522
buffer-extension-0.1-r1                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     606
bui-1.2.1_p20210108                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     601
burly-0.2                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     560
burly-0.3                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     560
buttercup-1.31                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     591
buttercup-1.32                                     30-Nov-2023 02:40     598
buttercup-1.33                                     10-Dec-2023 19:40     603
calfw-1.6                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     592
cape-0.16                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     581
cape-0.17-r1                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     581
cape-1.0                                           03-Dec-2023 00:40     579
cape-9999                                          10-Nov-2023 10:41     568
cask-0.8.8                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     771
cask-mode-0.1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     626
centaur-tabs-3.2                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     587
cfrs-1.6.0-r1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     650
chess-2.0.5                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     828
cider-1.11.1                                       13-Nov-2023 13:10     879
cider-1.12.0                                       26-Nov-2023 00:11     879
cider-1.8.3                                        26-Nov-2023 00:41     876
circe-2.12                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     643
citar-1.4.0                                        13-Nov-2023 13:10     642
citeproc-el-0.9.3                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     896
cldoc-1.16                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     571
clojure-mode-5.18.0                                25-Nov-2023 23:41     649
clojure-mode-5.18.1                                26-Nov-2023 00:11     650
cmake-font-lock-0.1.13                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     620
color-browser-0.3-r1                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     574
color-moccur-2.73                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     542
color-theme-6.6.0-r3                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     654
commander-0.7.0-r1                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     729
commenter-0.5.2                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     575
company-coq-1.0.1_p20220314                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     801
company-ebuild-0.1.4                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     716
company-ebuild-9999                                10-Nov-2023 10:41     638
company-math-1.5.1                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     677
company-mode-0.10.0                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     642
company-mode-0.10.1                                13-Nov-2023 20:10     628
company-mode-0.9.13_p20230306                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     638
company-quickhelp-2.3.0                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     674
compat-                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     616
compat-                                    13-Nov-2023 13:10     619
consult-0.35                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     573
consult-1.0                                        04-Dec-2023 09:10     572
consult-9999                                       10-Nov-2023 10:41     560
consult-flycheck-0.9-r2                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     626
consult-flycheck-1.0                               04-Dec-2023 09:10     627
corfu-0.38                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     576
corfu-1.0                                          04-Dec-2023 09:10     574
corfu-9999                                         10-Nov-2023 10:41     566
counsel-0.14.0                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     679
counsel-0.14.2                                     28-Oct-2023 14:10     681
crontab-mode-1.20                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     495
crux-0.4.0                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     548
csharp-mode-2.0.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     600
css-mode-0.11-r2                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     537
css-sort-buffer-0.2                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     512
csv-mode-1.22                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     598
ctable-0.1.3                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     574
cycle-buffer-2.16-r1                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     538
d-mode-2.0.10                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     629
d-mode-2.0.11                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     629
d-mode-2.0.12                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     615
dap-mode-0.7-r1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     875
dash-2.19.1                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     616
dashboard-1.8.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     603
dashboard-9999                                     10-Nov-2023 10:41     569
ddskk-17.1-r1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     883
deferred-0.5.1                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     672
deft-08_p20210707                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     592
demap-1.4.0                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     549
denote-2.1.0                                       08-Dec-2023 18:10     614
desktop+-0.2-r2                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     615
develock-0.47                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     588
devil-0.5.0                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     530
devil-0.6.0                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     530
df-mode-20050509-r1                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     618
dictionary-1.10                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     550
dictionary-1.11                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     581
diff-hl-1.9.2                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     623
diminish-0.46_pre20220128                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     654
dircolors-1.0-r2                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     540
dired-hacks-0.0.1_p20230621                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     824
dired-sort-menu-1.26                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     507
distel-4.1.1                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     660
docker-2.2.0_p20230605                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     778
docker-2.3.1                                       13-Nov-2023 13:10     714
docker-tramp-0.1.1                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     566
dockerfile-mode-1.8-r1                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     562
doctest-mode-0.4                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     626
doom-modeline-3.4.0                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     757
doom-modeline-4.0.1                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     751
doom-themes-2.1.6_p20220505                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     603
doom-themes-2.3.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     559
doxymacs-1.8.0-r5                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     550
dropdown-list-20120329                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     522
dts-mode-0.1.0_pre20161103                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     586
dts-mode-0.1.1                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     561
dts-mode-1.0                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     548
dune-format-0.1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     615
dwarf-mode-2.39-r1                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     525
dwarf-mode-2.40                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     525
ebib-2.39.4                                        13-Nov-2023 13:10     702
ebib-2.40.3                                        18-Nov-2023 01:40     703
ebuild-mode-1.67                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     714
ebuild-mode-1.69                                   06-Dec-2023 20:40     714
ebuild-run-mode-20210713                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     620
ebuild-run-mode-20221116                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     664
ecb-2.50_pre20170728                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     609
ecukes-0.6.18-r1                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     831
edb-1.34                                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     569
edit-indirect-0.1.10                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     552
edit-list-0.3                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     489
edit-server-1.15                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     576
edit-server-1.16                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     576
editorconfig-emacs-0.10.1                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     651
ef-themes-1.3.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     554
ef-themes-1.4.0                                    01-Nov-2023 19:40     554
ef-themes-9999                                     10-Nov-2023 10:41     528
eglot-1.15-r1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     682
eimp-1.4.0-r1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     584
el-mock-1.25.1                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     529
eldev-1.6                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     533
eldev-1.7                                          01-Nov-2023 19:40     534
eldev-1.8.1                                        18-Nov-2023 01:40     538
eldev-9999                                         10-Nov-2023 10:41     505
elfeed-3.4.1_p20210822                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     581
elfeed-protocol-0.9.0                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     681
elfeed-protocol-0.9.1                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     681
elixir-mode-2.4.1                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     681
elixir-mode-2.5.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     681
elpa-mirror-2.2.2                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     622
elpher-3.5.0                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     580
elpher-9999                                        10-Nov-2023 10:41     538
elpy-1.35.0_p20220627                              08-Dec-2023 17:14    3246
elscreen-20180321                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     748
emacs-aio-1.0_p20200610                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     587
emacs-ansilove-2.0.0                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     647
emacs-ansilove-9999                                10-Nov-2023 10:41     625
emacs-bazel-mode-0_p20220707                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     662
emacs-bazel-mode-0_p20230511                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     662
emacs-ccls-0_pre20220510-r1                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     658
emacs-ccls-0_pre20230311                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     658
emacs-common-1.8                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     793
emacs-common-1.9                                   13-Nov-2023 22:50     999
emacs-crystal-mode-0.1.0_p20221008                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     698
emacs-daemon-0.22-r1                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     596
emacs-eat-0.9.2                                    01-Nov-2023 00:10     634
emacs-ebuild-snippets-2.2.0                        25-Nov-2023 23:41     711
emacs-ebuild-snippets-9999                         10-Nov-2023 10:41     628
emacs-eix-0.0.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     531
emacs-eix-9999                                     10-Nov-2023 10:41     518
emacs-el-fetch-3.3.0                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     629
emacs-el-fetch-9999                                10-Nov-2023 10:41     608
emacs-ipython-notebook-0.17.0_p20220419-r1         19-Nov-2023 16:13    2413
emacs-jabber-0.8.92                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     612
emacs-openrc-1.0.0                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     543
emacs-openrc-9999                                  10-Nov-2023 10:41     524
emacs-w3m-1.4.632_p20230801                        13-Nov-2023 22:50    1177
emacs-websearch-2.1.0                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     540
emacs-websearch-9999                               10-Nov-2023 10:41     516
emacs-wget-0.5.0-r1                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     580
emacsql-3.1.1                                      13-Nov-2023 22:50     854
embark-0.23                                        24-Oct-2023 17:10     664
embark-1.0                                         10-Dec-2023 19:40     663
embark-9999                                        10-Nov-2023 10:41     650
embark-consult-0.23                                24-Oct-2023 17:40     594
embark-consult-1.0                                 10-Dec-2023 19:40     593
embark-consult-9999                                10-Nov-2023 10:41     580
emhacks-20070920-r2                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     555
emms-16                                            13-Nov-2023 22:50     712
emms-17                                            04-Dec-2023 09:10     712
emojify-1.2_p20210309                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     660
engrave-faces-0.3.1                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     559
epc-0.1.1                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     596
epl-0.9-r2                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     633
erefactor-0.7.2                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     593
erobot-2.1.0-r1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     488
ert-async-0.1.2_p20200105                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     574
ert-runner-0.8.0                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     753
eselect-mode-1.4.26                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     635
eselect-mode-1.4.27                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     635
eselect-mode-9999                                  10-Nov-2023 10:41     531
espuds-0.3.3_p20171111                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     669
ess-18.10.2-r2                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     660
ess-18.10.2-r3                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     663
esup-0.7.1_p20220203                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     726
evil-1.14.0                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     619
evil-1.14.2                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     619
exec-path-from-shell-1.12                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     600
exec-path-from-shell-2.1                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     598
exheres-mode-1.10                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     589
expand-region-0.11.0-r1                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     584
expand-region-1.0.0                                23-Oct-2023 21:10     582
external-completion-0.1                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     569
exwm-0.27                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     553
exwm-0.28                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     553
f-0.20.0-r1                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     650
fennel-mode-0.5.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     602
fff-20050517                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     513
filladapt-2.12-r2                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     572
filladapt-2.12.2                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     641
flashcard-2.3.3                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     532
flim-1.14.9_p20210529                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     730
flim-1.14.9_p20230809                              11-Dec-2023 14:40     748
flycheck-32_p20230305                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     730
flycheck-32_p20230305-r1                           30-Nov-2023 02:40     844
flycheck-clang-tidy-0.3.0_p20201116                22-Oct-2023 10:10     658
flycheck-guile-0.4                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     682
flycheck-guile-0.5                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     682
flycheck-inline-0_pre20200808                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     647
flycheck-nimsuggest-0.8.1_p20171027-r1             22-Oct-2023 10:10     716
flycheck-package-0.14                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     650
folding-2019.0524.1621                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     612
fsharp-mode-1.10_p20211229                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     696
fsharp-mode-2.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     624
geiser-0.29.1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     647
geiser-chez-0.17                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     614
geiser-chez-0.18                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     616
geiser-chicken-0.17                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     632
geiser-gambit-0.18.1                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     640
geiser-guile-0.28.1                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     621
geiser-mit-0.15                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     636
ghub-3.6.0                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     708
git-modes-1.4.1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     608
git-modes-1.4.2                                    02-Nov-2023 22:40     609
git-modes-9999                                     10-Nov-2023 10:41     589
git-timemachine-4.13                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     585
git-timemachine-9999                               10-Nov-2023 10:41     554
gnuplot-mode-0.8.0                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     781
gnuplot-mode-0.8.1                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     760
gnuserv-3.12.8-r8                                  10-Nov-2023 20:10     953
go-mode-1.6.0                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     501
god-mode-2.18.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     676
google-c-style-20140929                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     606
graphql-0.1.1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     538
graphql-0.1.2                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     574
graphviz-dot-mode-0.4                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     692
graphviz-dot-mode-0.4.20181118                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     738
groovy-emacs-modes-2.1                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     783
gruvbox-theme-1.30.1                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     628
gruvbox-theme-9999                                 10-Nov-2023 10:41     595
h4x0r-0.13-r1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     509
haskell-mode-17.4                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     657
haskell-mode-17.5                                  21-Nov-2023 21:14     713
haskell-mode-9999                                  21-Nov-2023 21:14     686
haxe-mode-0.3.3                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     551
helm-3.9.5                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     655
helm-3.9.6                                         23-Nov-2023 15:41     657
helm-system-packages-1.10.1                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     639
helm-system-packages-1.10.2                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     639
hexrgb-0_p1019                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     548
highlight-indentation-0.7.0_p20210221              22-Oct-2023 10:10     654
highline-7.2.2                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     541
hl-todo-3.5.0                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     614
hl-todo-3.6.0                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     614
howm-1.4.8                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     527
howm-1.5.0                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     527
ht-2.3                                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     644
htmlize-1.56                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     592
httpd-1.1                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     502
hydra-0.15.0                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     552
icicles-2018.02.13.23733                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     531
icicles-2018.10.15.23738                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     591
igrep-2.113                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     504
indent-bars-0.2                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     563
inf-clojure-3.1.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     678
inf-clojure-3.2.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     678
inf-clojure-3.2.1                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     678
inform-mode-1.6.2                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     583
initsplit-1.8_pre20160919                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     666
ivy-0.14.0                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     550
ivy-0.14.2                                         28-Oct-2023 14:10     552
ivy-rich-0.1.6_p20210409                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     604
ivy-rich-0.1.7                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     559
jam-mode-0.3                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     565
jasmin-1.2-r2                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     531
jinx-0.7                                           13-Nov-2023 22:50     757
jinx-0.8-r1                                        13-Nov-2023 22:50     757
jinx-0.9                                           20-Nov-2023 07:10     756
jinx-1.0                                           03-Dec-2023 00:40     789
jq-mode-0.5.0_p20220610                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     601
js-comint-1.2.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     575
js2-mode-20220710                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     547
js2-mode-20230408                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     547
julia-mode-0.4_p20211023                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     622
julia-repl-1.3.0_p20220225                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     698
key-chord-0.6_p20201222                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     655
keywiz-1.4                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     473
kind-icon-0.2.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     532
kind-icon-0.2.1                                    27-Nov-2023 19:10     558
lean-mode-0_p20230611                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     791
ledger-mode-4.0.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     607
libegit2-0.0.20230129                              08-Dec-2023 17:14    1067
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load-relative-1.3.2                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     559
lookup-1.99.96_pre20180209                         13-Nov-2023 22:50     998
lsp-java-3.1                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     835
lsp-mode-8.0.0_p20220620                           22-Oct-2023 10:10    1009
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lsp-ui-8.0.1                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     732
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lv-0.15.0-r1                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     500
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magit-                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     898
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mailcrypt-3.5.9-r3                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     659
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marginalia-1.4                                     04-Dec-2023 09:10     592
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mastodon-1.0.12                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     652
mastodon-1.0.13                                    01-Nov-2023 19:40     652
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mew-6.8_p20230203                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     721
mic-paren-3.15-r1                                  02-Nov-2023 04:40     614
mldonkey-0.0.4b-r2                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     704
mmm-mode-0.5.10                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     678
mmm-mode-0.5.9                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     676
moccur-edit-2.16                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     617
mocker-0.5.0                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     532
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mpg123-el-1.61                                     13-Nov-2023 22:50     709
mu-cite-8.1_p202011031127                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     637
multi-term-1.4                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     522
multiple-cursors-1.4.0                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     556
muse-3.20-r1                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     580
nagios-mode-0.4                                    15-Nov-2023 00:40     547
navi2ch-1.8.4-r2                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     616
nerd-icons-0.1.0                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     733
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nxml-libvirt-schemas-9.9.0                         12-Nov-2023 08:10     518
nxml-svg-schemas-1.1.20081123-r1                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     552
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orderless-0.8                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     650
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org-contrib-0.4.2                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     556
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org-mode-9.6.11                                    01-Nov-2023 19:40     725
org-mode-9.6.12                                    15-Nov-2023 19:40     725
org-mode-9.6.9                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     721
org-mode-9999                                      10-Nov-2023 10:41     689
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org-modern-1.1                                     04-Dec-2023 09:10     598
org-roam-2.2.2                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     660
org-roam-9999                                      10-Nov-2023 10:41     633
org-static-blog-1.5.0                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     563
org-static-blog-1.6.0                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     563
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osm-0.14                                           25-Nov-2023 23:41     707
osm-1.0                                            04-Dec-2023 09:10     706
osm-9999                                           10-Nov-2023 10:41     702
outline-magic-0.9                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     537
package-build-4.0.0                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     550
package-lint-0.19                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     558
package-lint-0.20                                  07-Nov-2023 19:10     558
package-lint-0.21                                  27-Nov-2023 19:10     558
pandoc-mode-2.32-r1                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     679
paredit-26                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     659
pariemacs-3.14-r1                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     608
parsebib-4.3                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     610
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parseclj-1.1.1                                     04-Dec-2023 09:10     609
parseedn-1.2.0                                     31-Oct-2023 00:40     638
parseedn-1.2.1                                     04-Dec-2023 09:10     639
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php-mode-1.25.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     592
php-mode-1.25.1                                    26-Nov-2023 00:11     596
php-mode-9999                                      10-Nov-2023 10:41     524
pinentry-0.1_p20231126                             29-Nov-2023 17:40     784
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planner-3.42-r1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     716
plz-0.6                                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     589
plz-0.7                                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     589
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po-mode-0.22                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     587
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popwin-1.0.0                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     539
popwin-1.0.2                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     562
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posframe-1.4.1                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     535
posframe-1.4.2                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     535
pov-mode-3.3-r1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     561
powerline-2.5_p20221110                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     595
powershell-0.3_pre20220402                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     610
powershell-0.3_pre20220805                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     610
projectile-2.7.0                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     650
projectile-2.8.0-r1                                08-Dec-2023 14:10     705
proofgeneral-4.5                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     618
protbuf-1.7-r1                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     569
psgml-1.4.1                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     579
puppet-mode-0.4                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     602
pymacs-0.26-r3                                     08-Dec-2023 17:14    1598
pymacs-0.26-r4                                     08-Dec-2023 17:14    1718
python-mode-6.3.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     702
pyvenv-1.21                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     616
quack-0.48                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     509
queue-0.2                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     499
quilt-el-0.66                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     572
qwerty-1.1                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     557
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racket-mode-1_p20230905                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     729
racket-mode-9999                                   10-Nov-2023 10:41     655
rainbow-delimiters-2.1.5                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     670
rainbow-mode-1.0.6                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     541
raku-mode-0.2.1_p20211121                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     641
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redo+-1.19                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     621
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reformatter-0.7                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     591
regress-1.5.1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     525
remember-2.0-r1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     719
repology-1.2.3                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     532
request-0.3.2                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     586
request-0.3.3_p20220318                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     630
rescript-mode-0.1.0_p20220613                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     652
restclient-0_p20220426                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     659
revive-2.24                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     489
rfcview-0.13                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     572
rg-2.3.0                                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     740
riece-9.0.0-r1                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     554
rnc-mode-1.0.6                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     605
rpm-spec-mode-0.15                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     557
rpm-spec-mode-0.16                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     674
rudel-0.3.1                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     621
rudel-0.3.2                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     621
rust-mode-1.0.5                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     569
s-1.12.0-r1                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     557
s-1.13.0                                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     571
scad-mode-93.2-r1                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     543
scala-mode-2.10.3                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     519
scheme-complete-0.9.8                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     556
scheme-complete-0.9.9                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     556
scim-bridge-el-0.8.2-r1                            22-Oct-2023 10:10     553
scss-mode-0.5.0_p20180123-r1                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     602
semi-1.14.7_p20210613                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     762
semi-1.14.7_p20230811                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     762
servant-0.3.0                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     789
sesman-0.3.4                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     537
session-2.4b                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     623
setnu-1.06                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     528
setup-1.2.0                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     567
setup-1.3.0                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     567
setup-1.3.2                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     571
sharper-1.0_p20230129-r1                           22-Oct-2023 20:40     634
shell-split-string-0.1                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     568
shrink-path-0.3.1                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     695
shut-up-0.3.3                                      30-Nov-2023 02:40     631
slime-2.27                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     753
slime-2.28                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     753
sly-1.0.43                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     719
sml-mode-6.12                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     590
sokoban-1.4.8                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     506
sokoban-1.4.9                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     506
spacemacs-theme-0.2                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     575
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ssass-mode-0.2_p20200211                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     603
ssh-20120709                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     565
string-inflection-1.0.16                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     587
stripes-0.2-r2                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     525
stripes-                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     619
sumibi-0.7.4                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     546
sunrise-commander-6_p20210927                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     647
svg-lib-0.2.6                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     494
svg-lib-0.2.7                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     494
svg-lib-0.2.8                                      03-Dec-2023 00:40     494
swift-mode-9.0.0                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     568
swift-mode-9.1.0                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     568
swiper-0.14.0                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     623
swiper-0.14.2                                      28-Oct-2023 14:10     625
switch-window-1.6.2_p20210808                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     624
system-packages-1.1.0                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     601
systemd-mode-1.6                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     563
tablist-1.0                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     532
tablist-1.1                                        13-Nov-2023 13:10     547
teco-7-r2                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     553
tempel-0.8                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     595
tempel-1.0                                         06-Dec-2023 23:10     595
tempel-9999                                        10-Nov-2023 10:41     585
template-3.3b                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     546
tempo-snippets-0.1.5                               22-Oct-2023 10:10     573
thinks-1.12                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     522
transient-0.4.3                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     701
transient-0.5.0                                    30-Nov-2023 17:10     703
transient-0.5.2                                    06-Dec-2023 23:10     703
transient-9999                                     10-Nov-2023 10:41     632
treemacs-3.1                                       08-Dec-2023 17:14    1638
treemacs-all-the-icons-3.1                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     644
treepy-0.1.2                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     542
treesit-auto-0.6.9                                 12-Nov-2023 07:11     588
treesit-auto-1.0.0                                 27-Nov-2023 19:10     585
treesit-auto-1.0.1                                 03-Dec-2023 01:40     585
ts-0.3                                             22-Oct-2023 10:10     616
tuareg-mode-2.2.0                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     562
tuareg-mode-3.0.1                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     562
twittering-mode-3.0.0-r1                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     528
twittering-mode-9999                               10-Nov-2023 10:41     528
typescript-mode-0.4                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     561
typing-1.1.4                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     567
uboat-1.2-r1                                       16-Nov-2023 20:40     560
undercover-0.8.1                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     633
undo-tree-0.8.2-r1                                 22-Oct-2023 10:10     619
uptimes-3.7                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     602
uptimes-3.8                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     602
use-package-2.4.5                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     815
uxntal-mode-0.2                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     556
vertico-1.4                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     577
vertico-1.5                                        04-Dec-2023 09:10     577
vertico-9999                                       10-Nov-2023 10:41     565
vhdl-mode-3.39.2                                   24-Nov-2023 21:10     528
visual-basic-mode-1.5                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     534
vm-8.2.0_beta-r1                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     633
volume-1.0-r1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     521
vterm-0.0.2_p20230217                              08-Dec-2023 17:14    1072
vue-html-mode-0.2                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     566
vue-mode-0.4                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     843
w3mnav-0.5-r3                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     562
wanderlust-2.15.9_p20210629                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     874
wanderlust-2.15.9_p20230624                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     874
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web-server-0.1.2_p20210708-r1                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     621
webpaste-3.2.2                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     666
websocket-1.14_p20230305                           22-Oct-2023 10:10     592
websocket-1.15                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     582
wgrep-2.3.0                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     631
wgrep-2.3.2                                        22-Oct-2023 10:10     631
wgrep-3.0.0-r1                                     22-Oct-2023 10:10     704
which-key-3.6.0                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     644
whine-20231020                                     18-Nov-2023 15:10     511
wikipedia-mode-0.5-r2                              22-Oct-2023 10:10     617
windows-2.53                                       22-Oct-2023 10:10     540
with-editor-3.3.2                                  22-Oct-2023 10:10     717
with-editor-9999                                   10-Nov-2023 10:41     645
with-simulated-input-3.0                           13-Nov-2023 13:10     675
xclip-1.11-r1                                      22-Oct-2023 10:10     624
xelb-0.18                                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     552
xrdb-mode-3.0-r1                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     578
xslide-0.2.2-r1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     553
yaml-0.5.3                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     514
yaml-0.5.4                                         31-Oct-2023 01:12     514
yaml-mode-0.0.15                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     578
yaml-mode-0.0.16                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     578
yasnippet-0.14.0                                   22-Oct-2023 10:10     669
yasnippet-snippets-1.0-r2                          22-Oct-2023 10:10     628
yatex-1.82                                         22-Oct-2023 10:10     523
zenburn-20110907-r1                                22-Oct-2023 10:10     760
zenirc-2.112-r1                                    22-Oct-2023 10:10     585

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