include/comma/basic/PrimitiveOps.h File Reference

#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
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namespace  comma
namespace  comma::primitive_ops


enum  comma::primitive_ops::PrimitiveID {
  comma::primitive_ops::NotPrimitive, comma::primitive_ops::ADD_op, comma::primitive_ops::SUB_op, comma::primitive_ops::MUL_op,
  comma::primitive_ops::DIV_op, comma::primitive_ops::MOD_op, comma::primitive_ops::REM_op, comma::primitive_ops::POW_op,
  comma::primitive_ops::EQ_op, comma::primitive_ops::NE_op, comma::primitive_ops::LT_op, comma::primitive_ops::GT_op,
  comma::primitive_ops::LE_op, comma::primitive_ops::GE_op, comma::primitive_ops::LOR_op, comma::primitive_ops::LAND_op,
  comma::primitive_ops::LXOR_op, comma::primitive_ops::LNOT_op, comma::primitive_ops::POS_op, comma::primitive_ops::NEG_op,
  comma::primitive_ops::ENUM_op, comma::primitive_ops::FIRST_PREDICATE_OP = EQ_op, comma::primitive_ops::LAST_PREDICATE_OP = LNOT_op, comma::primitive_ops::FIRST_PRIMITIVE_OP = ADD_op,
  comma::primitive_ops::LAST_PRIMITIVE_OP = ENUM_op, comma::primitive_ops::FIRST_BINARY_OP = ADD_op, comma::primitive_ops::LAST_BINARY_OP = LXOR_op, comma::primitive_ops::FIRST_UNARY_OP = LNOT_op,
  comma::primitive_ops::LAST_UNARY_OP = NEG_op


bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesOperator (PrimitiveID ID)
 Returns true if ID names an operator.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesPredicateOp (PrimitiveID ID)
 Returns true if ID names a primitive comparison operation.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesUnaryOp (PrimitiveID ID)
 Returns true if ID names a primitive unary operation.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesBinaryOp (PrimitiveID ID)
 Returns true if ID names a primitive binary operation.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesBinaryOp (const llvm::StringRef &string)
 Returns true if the given string names a binary operator.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesUnaryOp (const llvm::StringRef &string)
 Returns true if the given string names a unary operator.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesOperator (const llvm::StringRef &string)
 Returns true if the given string names an operator.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesBinaryOp (const comma::IdentifierInfo *idInfo)
 Returns true if the given IdentifierInfo names a binary operator.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesUnaryOp (const comma::IdentifierInfo *idInfo)
 Returns true if the given IdentifierInfo names a unary operator.
bool comma::primitive_ops::denotesOperator (const comma::IdentifierInfo *idInfo)
 Returns true if the given IdentifierInfo names an operator.
const char * comma::primitive_ops::getOpName (PrimitiveID ID)
 Returns the name of a primitive unary operator.

Generated on 1 Feb 2010 for Comma by  doxygen 1.6.1

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