Index of /gentoo-portage/metadata/md5-cache/sys-power/

Manifest.gz                                        22-Nov-2024 20:42    8447
RyzenAdj-0.12.0                                    08-Oct-2024 15:52     806
RyzenAdj-0.13.0                                    08-Oct-2024 15:52     806
RyzenAdj-0.15.0                                    08-Oct-2024 15:52     808
acpi-1.7-r1                                        30-Apr-2024 18:41     291
acpi_call-1.2.2-r1                                 08-Oct-2024 15:52    1028
acpi_call-9999                                     08-Oct-2024 15:52    1012
acpid-2.0.34-r1                                    08-Oct-2024 15:52     675
acpilight-1.2-r4                                   14-Oct-2024 13:44    1209
acpitool-0.5.1-r2                                  25-Apr-2021 19:09     244
apcupsd-3.14.14-r3                                 08-Oct-2024 15:52    1121
athcool-0.3.12                                     08-Oct-2024 15:52     517
autosuspend-5.0.0                                  22-Nov-2024 20:42    3958
bbswitch-0.8_p20211129-r1                          08-Oct-2024 15:52    1121
cpupower-6.10                                      08-Oct-2024 15:52     633
cpupower-6.2                                       08-Oct-2024 15:52     627
hibernate-script-2.0-r6                            13-Jan-2019 20:09     446
iasl-20200717                                      08-Oct-2024 15:52     706
intel-undervolt-1.7-r1                             08-Oct-2024 15:52     721
nut-2.8.0-r3                                       08-Oct-2024 15:52    1850
nut-2.8.2                                          14-Oct-2024 13:44    3346
nut-9999                                           14-Oct-2024 13:44    3343
nvclock-0.8_p20110102-r2                           08-Oct-2024 15:52    1007
nvclock-0.8_p20110102-r3                           08-Oct-2024 15:52    1008
nvram-reboot-2004.10.03-r1                         05-Aug-2024 07:41     482
pmtools-20130209                                   12-Oct-2024 11:41     552
power-profiles-daemon-0.21                         14-Oct-2024 13:44    4023
power-profiles-daemon-0.22                         14-Oct-2024 13:44    4026
power-profiles-daemon-0.23                         14-Oct-2024 13:44    4812
powermgmt-base-1.31-r2                             08-Oct-2024 15:52     602
powerstat-0.02.27                                  08-Oct-2024 15:52     485
powerstat-0.04.03                                  08-Oct-2024 15:52     565
powerstat-9999                                     08-Oct-2024 15:52     548
powertop-2.15                                      08-Oct-2024 15:52    1256
powertop-9999                                      08-Oct-2024 15:52    1151
sandmann-bin-1.2                                   10-Nov-2024 10:41     718
sandmann-bin-1.3.1                                 14-Nov-2024 20:41     721
sispmctl-4.12                                      08-Oct-2024 15:52     633
suspend-1.0_p20190605                              08-Oct-2024 15:52    1314
suspend-1.0_p20200924                              08-Oct-2024 15:52    1314
switcheroo-control-2.6-r2                          14-Oct-2024 13:44    3538
thermald-2.5.7                                     08-Oct-2024 15:52    1279
thermald-2.5.8                                     08-Oct-2024 15:52    1239
throttled-0.10.0                                   14-Oct-2024 13:44    1597
throttled-0.11                                     10-Nov-2024 07:11    1918
tlp-1.6.1                                          08-Oct-2024 15:52     599
tlp-1.7.0                                          25-Oct-2024 07:40     600
uhubctl-2.5.0                                      08-Oct-2024 15:52     493
upower-1.90.4-r1                                   14-Oct-2024 13:44    2257
wluma-4.3.0-r3                                     17-Nov-2024 05:41     15K
wluma-4.4.0-r2                                     17-Nov-2024 05:41     16K

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