Index of /gentoo-portage/sci-libs/

HighFive/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
NNPACK/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
QNNPACK/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ViSP/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
XNNPACK/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
adolc/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
alglib/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
amd/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
arborx/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
armadillo/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
arpack/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
arprec/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
atlas/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
avogadrolibs/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
blis/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
bliss/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
branca/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
brial/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
btf/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
buddy/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
caffe2/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
camd/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cantera/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cartopy/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ccfits/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ccolamd/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cdd+/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cddlib/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cdf/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ceres-solver/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cfitsio/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cgcode/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cgnslib/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cholmod/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
clapack/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
clashscore-db/                                     24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
clblas/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
clblast/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cln/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cminpack/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cmpfit/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinhsl/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-alps/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-bcp/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-bcps/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-blis/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-bonmin/                                     24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-cbc/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-cgl/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-clp/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-couenne/                                    24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-cppad/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-csdp/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-dip/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-dylp/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-flopcpp/                                    24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-mp/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-netlib/                                     24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-os/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-osi/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-sample/                                     24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-smi/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-symphony/                                   24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-utils/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
coinor-vol/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
colamd/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
colpack/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
composable-kernel/                                 24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cqrlib/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
cxsparse/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
datasets/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
dcmtk/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
dealii/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
djbfft/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
dlib/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
dmlc-core/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
dsdp/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
eccodes/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
evaluate/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
exodusii/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
fcl/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
fetk/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
fflas-ffpack/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
fftw/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
flann/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
foxi/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
fplll/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
galib/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gamer/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gaul-devel/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gdal/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
geos/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gerris/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
getdata/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ginkgo/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
givaro/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gklib/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gloo/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gmsh/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gsl/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
gts/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
h5hut/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
h5part/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hdf/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hdf5/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hipBLAS/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hipCUB/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hipFFT/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hipRAND/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hipSOLVER/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hipSPARSE/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
htslib/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
huggingface_hub/                                   24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
hypre/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ideep/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
idlcoyote/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
idlmarkwardt/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ignition-common/                                   24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ignition-fuel-tools/                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ignition-math/                                     24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
iml/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
inchi/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
indilib/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ipopt/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
itpp/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
jama/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
jiwer/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
kim-api/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
kineto/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
kissfft/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
klu/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
lapack/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ldl/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
lemon/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
levmar/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libaec/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libbraiding/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libccd/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libcerf/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libcifpp/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libdap/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libecpint/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libexcelformat/                                    24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libgeodecomp/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libgeotiff/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libh2o/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libh2oxx/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libhomfly/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libigl/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libint/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libmuscle/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libnova/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
liborigin/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libpdb/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libpdb++/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libqalculate/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libsc/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libsemigroups/                                     24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libsigrok/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libsigrokdecode/                                   24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libspatialindex/                                   24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libsvm/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libticables2/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libticalcs2/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libticonv/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libtifiles2/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
libxc/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
linbox/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
linux-gpib/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
linux-gpib-modules/                                24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
lis/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
lmfit/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
lrslib/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
m4ri/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
m4rie/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
mathgl/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
matio/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
mc/                                                24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
med/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
metis/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
minuit/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
miopen/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
mkl/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
mpfi/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
mumps/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
nanoflann/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
neartree/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
nemesis/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
netcdf/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
netcdf-cxx/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
netcdf-fortran/                                    24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
nfft/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
nlopt/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
numkit/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
o2scl/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
oc/                                                24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
octomap/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ogdi/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
onnx/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
openblas/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
opencascade/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
openlibm/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
orocos-bfl/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
orocos_kdl/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
p4est/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
parmetis/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
pastix/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
pcl/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
pdal/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
pgplot/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
plplot/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
primegen/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
profnet/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
profphd-utils/                                     24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
proj/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
punc/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
pyshp/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
pytorch/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
qd/                                                24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
qfits/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
qrupdate/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rocBLAS/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rocFFT/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rocPRIM/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rocRAND/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rocSOLVER/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rocSPARSE/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rocThrust/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rocWMMA/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rtabmap/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
rtree/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
safetensors/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
scalapack/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
scotch/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
seqeval/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
shapelib/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
silo/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
spglib/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
spqr/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
spr/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
stellarsolver/                                     24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
suitesparse/                                       24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
suitesparseconfig/                                 24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
sundials/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
superlu/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
superlu_mt/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
symengine/                                         24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
symmetrica/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
szip/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ta-lib/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
tamu_anova/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
taucs/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
tensorpipe/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
tnt/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
tokenizers/                                        24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
transformers/                                      24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
trilinos/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
udunits/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
ufconfig/                                          24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
umfpack/                                           24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
volk/                                              24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
voro++/                                            24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
vtk/                                               24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
xdmf2/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
xylib/                                             24-Jun-2024 13:40       -
Manifest.gz                                        23-Jun-2024 21:11     43K
metadata.xml                                       11-Sep-2021 13:40    1232

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