Index of /slackware/slackware-14.2/source/xfce/

Thunar/                                            08-Jan-2016 01:22       -
exo/                                               18-Nov-2015 04:29       -
garcon/                                            28-Feb-2015 19:53       -
gtk-xfce-engine/                                   03-Mar-2015 19:48       -
libxfce4ui/                                        15-Mar-2015 19:30       -
libxfce4util/                                      28-Feb-2015 19:49       -
orage/                                             10-Apr-2015 12:42       -
thunar-volman/                                     22-Mar-2015 04:40       -
tumbler/                                           31-Mar-2015 18:22       -
xfce4-appfinder/                                   28-Feb-2015 19:54       -
xfce4-clipman-plugin/                              15-Mar-2016 18:16       -
xfce4-dev-tools/                                   28-Feb-2015 19:48       -
xfce4-notifyd/                                     18-Feb-2015 06:14       -
xfce4-panel/                                       03-Jun-2016 22:41       -
xfce4-power-manager/                               22-Mar-2015 18:40       -
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin/                           26-Jun-2016 01:07       -
xfce4-screenshooter/                               25-Jan-2015 16:25       -
xfce4-session/                                     16-Mar-2015 07:47       -
xfce4-settings/                                    27-Apr-2016 16:58       -
xfce4-systemload-plugin/                           17-Mar-2015 21:32       -
xfce4-taskmanager/                                 24-Dec-2014 18:36       -
xfce4-terminal/                                    25-Jan-2014 23:29       -
xfce4-weather-plugin/                              23-Apr-2016 04:29       -
xfconf/                                            28-Feb-2015 19:50       -
xfdesktop/                                         19-Jul-2015 15:53       -
xfwm4/                                             17-May-2015 16:23       -                                  17-Mar-2016 17:42    2153

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