GetFEM  5.4.4
1 /*===========================================================================
3  Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Yves Renard
4  Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Konstantinos Poulios
6  This file is a part of GetFEM
8  GetFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
10  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11  (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
12  Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
13  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
16  License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 ===========================================================================*/
25 namespace getfem {
28  void mesh_fem_global_function::set_functions
29  (const std::vector<pglobal_function>& funcs, const mesh_im &mim) {
30  GMM_ASSERT1(linked_mesh_ != 0, "Mesh fem need to be initialized with"
31  " a mesh first.");
32  clear();
33  if (&mim == &dummy_mesh_im())
35  else {
36  GMM_ASSERT1(&(mim.linked_mesh()) == linked_mesh_,
37  "The provided mesh_im has to be linked to the same mesh"
38  " as this mesh_fem.");
39  fem_ = getfem::new_fem_global_function(funcs, mim);
40  }
41  set_finite_element(fem_);
42  }
44  // mesh_fem_global_function::size_type memsize() const;
46  void mesh_fem_global_function::clear() {
47  mesh_fem::clear();
48  if (fem_.get()) {
50  fem_.reset();
51  }
52  }
55 // examples of bspline basis functions assigned to 8 elements in 1D
57 // n=8,k=3, free-free --> n-k+1 + 2*(k-1) = n+k-1 = 8+3-1 = 10
58 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
59 //1 * |
60 //2 * * |
61 //3 * * * |
62 //4 * * * |
63 //5 * * * |
64 //6 * * * |
65 //7 * * * |
66 //8 * * * |
67 //9 * * |
68 //10 * |
70 // n=8,k=4, free-free --> n-k+1 + 2*(k-1) = n+k-1 = 8+4-1 = 11
71 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
72 //1 * |
73 //2 * * |
74 //3 * * * |
75 //4 * * * * |
76 //5 * * * * |
77 //6 * * * * |
78 //7 * * * * |
79 //8 * * * * |
80 //9 * * * |
81 //10 * * |
82 //11 * |
84 // n=8,k=3, periodic --> n-k+1 + k-1 = n
85 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
86 //1 * * * |
87 //2 * * * |
88 //3 * * * |
89 //4 * * * |
90 //5 * * * |
91 //6 * * * |
92 //7 * * * |
93 //8 * * * |
95 // n=8,k=4, periodic
96 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
97 //1 * * * * |
98 //2 * * * * |
99 //3 * * * * |
100 //4 * * * * |
101 //5 * * * * |
102 //6 * * * * |
103 //7 * * * * |
104 //8 * * * * |
106 // n=8,k=3, symmetry-symmetry --> n-k+1 + 2*floor(k/2) = 6 + 2 = 8
107 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
108 //1 + * |
109 //2 * * * |
110 //3 * * * |
111 //4 * * * |
112 //5 * * * |
113 //6 * * * |
114 //7 * * * |
115 //8 * + |
117 // n=8,k=4, symmetry-symmetry --> n-k+1 + 2*floor(k/2) = 5 + 4 = 9
118 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
119 //1 * * |
120 //2 + * * |
121 //3 * * * * |
122 //4 * * * * |
123 //5 * * * * |
124 //6 * * * * |
125 //7 * * * * |
126 //8 * * + |
127 //9 * * |
129 // n=8,k=5, symmetry-symmetry --> n-k+1 + 2*floor(k/2) = 4 + 4 = 8
130 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
131 //1 + + * |
132 //2 + * * * |
133 //3 * * * * * |
134 //4 * * * * * |
135 //5 * * * * * |
136 //6 * * * * * |
137 //7 * * * + |
138 //8 * + + |
140 // n=8,k=6, symmetry-symmetry --> n-k+1 + 2*floor(k/2) = 3 + 6 = 9
141 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
142 //1 * * * |
143 //2 + + * * |
144 //3 + * * * * |
145 //4 * * * * * * |
146 //5 * * * * * * |
147 //6 * * * * * * |
148 //7 * * * * + |
149 //8 * * + + |
150 //9 * * * |
152 // n=8,k=3, free-symmetry --> n-k+1 + k-1 + floor(k/2) = 6 + 2 + 1 = 9
153 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
154 //1 * |
155 //2 + * |
156 //3 * * * |
157 //4 * * * |
158 //5 * * * |
159 //6 * * * |
160 //7 * * * |
161 //8 * * * |
162 //9 * + |
164  void params_for_uniform_1d_bspline_basis_functions
165  (scalar_type x0, scalar_type x1, size_type N, size_type order,
166  bspline_boundary bc_low, bspline_boundary bc_high,
167  std::vector<scalar_type> &xmin, std::vector<scalar_type> &xmax,
168  std::vector<scalar_type> &xshift, std::vector<size_type> &xtype) {
170  if (bc_low == bspline_boundary::PERIODIC ||
171  bc_high == bspline_boundary::PERIODIC)
172  GMM_ASSERT1(bc_low == bc_high,
173  "Periodic BC has to be assigned to both matching sides");
174  const scalar_type dx = (x1-x0)/scalar_type(N);
175  size_type n_low, n_mid, n_high;
176  n_low = (bc_low == bspline_boundary::PERIODIC) ? 0 :
177  (bc_low == bspline_boundary::SYMMETRY ? order/2 :
178  /* FREE */ order-1);
179  n_high = (bc_high == bspline_boundary::PERIODIC) ? order-1 :
180  (bc_high == bspline_boundary::SYMMETRY ? order/2 :
181  /* FREE */ order-1);
182  n_mid = N - order + 1;
183  size_type n = n_low + n_mid + n_high; // number of basis functions
185  xmin.resize(n);
186  xmax.resize(n);
187  xshift.resize(n);
188  xtype.resize(n);
189  for (size_type i=0; i < n; ++i) {
190  xshift[i] = 0.;
191  if (bc_low == bspline_boundary::FREE && i < n_low) {
192  xtype[i] = i+1;
193  xmin[i] = x0;
194  xmax[i] = xmin[i] + scalar_type(xtype[i])*dx;
195  } else if (bc_high == bspline_boundary::FREE && i >= n_low+n_mid) {
196  xtype[i] = n-i; // safe unsigned
197  xmin[i] = x1;
198  xmax[i] = xmin[i] - scalar_type(xtype[i])*dx; // yes, xmax < xmin
199  } else if (bc_low == bspline_boundary::SYMMETRY && i < n_low) {
200  xtype[i] = order;
201  xmin[i] = x0 - scalar_type(n_low-i)*dx;
202  xmax[i] = xmin[i] + scalar_type(xtype[i])*dx;
203  xshift[i] = -(xmin[i]+xmax[i]-2*x0); // this is 0 for already symmetric basis functions
204  } else if (bc_high == bspline_boundary::SYMMETRY && i >= n_low+n_mid) {
205  xtype[i] = order;
206  xmin[i] = x0 + scalar_type(i-n_low)*dx; // safe unsigned
207  xmax[i] = xmin[i] + scalar_type(xtype[i])*dx;
208  xshift[i] = 2*x1-xmin[i]-xmax[i]; // this is 0 for already symmetric basis functions
209  } else { // mid functions for periodic, free-free or free-symmetry or symmetry-free
210  GMM_ASSERT1(i >= n_low, "Internal error");
211  xtype[i] = order;
212  xmin[i] = x0 + scalar_type(i-n_low)*dx; // safe unsigned
213  xmax[i] = xmin[i] + scalar_type(xtype[i])*dx;
214  }
215 //if (order==5) // && bc_low == bspline_boundary::SYMMETRY && bc_high == bspline_boundary::FREE)
216 //std::cout<<i<<":"<<xmin[i]<<","<<xmax[i]<<std::endl;
218  if (bc_low == bspline_boundary::PERIODIC && xmax[i] > x1)
219  xshift[i] = -(x1-x0); // this will apply to the last order-1 functions
220  }
221  }
225  bspline_boundary bcX_low, bspline_boundary bcX_high,
226  const mesh_im &mim) {
228  GMM_ASSERT1(mf.linked_mesh().dim() == 1,
229  "This function expects a mesh_fem defined in 1d");
231  base_node Pmin, Pmax;
232  mf.linked_mesh().bounding_box(Pmin, Pmax);
233  const scalar_type x0=Pmin[0], x1=Pmax[0];
235  std::vector<scalar_type> xmin, xmax, xshift;
236  std::vector<size_type> xtype;
237  params_for_uniform_1d_bspline_basis_functions
238  (x0, x1, NX, order, bcX_low, bcX_high, // input
239  xmin, xmax, xshift, xtype); // output
241  std::vector<pglobal_function> funcs(0);
242  for (size_type i=0; i < xtype.size(); ++i) {
243  if (gmm::abs(xshift[i]) < 1e-10)
244  funcs.push_back(global_function_bspline
245  (xmin[i], xmax[i], order, xtype[i]));
246  else {
247  std::vector<pglobal_function> sum;
248  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
249  (xmin[i], xmax[i], order, xtype[i]));
250  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
251  (xmin[i]+xshift[i], xmax[i]+xshift[i],
252  order, xtype[i]));
253  funcs.push_back(std::make_shared<getfem::global_function_sum>(sum));
254  }
255  }
256  mf.set_functions(funcs, mim);
257  }
261  size_type NX, size_type NY, size_type order,
262  bspline_boundary bcX_low, bspline_boundary bcY_low,
263  bspline_boundary bcX_high, bspline_boundary bcY_high,
264  const mesh_im &mim) {
266  GMM_ASSERT1(mf.linked_mesh().dim() == 2,
267  "This function expects a mesh_fem defined in 2d");
269  base_node Pmin, Pmax;
270  mf.linked_mesh().bounding_box(Pmin, Pmax);
271  const scalar_type x0=Pmin[0], x1=Pmax[0],
272  y0=Pmin[1], y1=Pmax[1];
274  std::vector<scalar_type> xmin, xmax, xshift;
275  std::vector<size_type> xtype;
276  params_for_uniform_1d_bspline_basis_functions
277  (x0, x1, NX, order, bcX_low, bcX_high, // input
278  xmin, xmax, xshift, xtype); // output
279  std::vector<scalar_type> ymin, ymax, yshift;
280  std::vector<size_type> ytype;
281  params_for_uniform_1d_bspline_basis_functions
282  (y0, y1, NY, order, bcY_low, bcY_high, // input
283  ymin, ymax, yshift, ytype); // output
285  std::vector<pglobal_function> funcs(0);
286  for (size_type i=0; i < xtype.size(); ++i) {
287  for (size_type j=0; j < ytype.size(); ++j) {
288  if (gmm::abs(xshift[i]) < 1e-10 &&
289  gmm::abs(yshift[j]) < 1e-10)
290  funcs.push_back(global_function_bspline
291  (xmin[i], xmax[i], ymin[j], ymax[j],
292  order, xtype[i], ytype[j]));
293  else {
294  std::vector<pglobal_function> sum;
295  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
296  (xmin[i], xmax[i], ymin[j], ymax[j],
297  order, xtype[i], ytype[j]));
298  if (gmm::abs(xshift[i]) >= 1e-10)
299  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
300  (xmin[i]+xshift[i], xmax[i]+xshift[i],
301  ymin[j], ymax[j],
302  order, xtype[i], ytype[j]));
303  if (gmm::abs(yshift[j]) >= 1e-10) {
304  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
305  (xmin[i], xmax[i],
306  ymin[j]+yshift[j], ymax[j]+yshift[j],
307  order, xtype[i], ytype[j]));
308  if (gmm::abs(xshift[i]) >= 1e-10)
309  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
310  (xmin[i]+xshift[i], xmax[i]+xshift[i],
311  ymin[j]+yshift[j], ymax[j]+yshift[j],
312  order, xtype[i], ytype[j]));
313  }
314  funcs.push_back(std::make_shared<getfem::global_function_sum>(sum));
315  }
316  }
317  }
318  mf.set_functions(funcs, mim);
319  }
323  size_type NX, size_type NY, size_type NZ, size_type order,
324  bspline_boundary bcX_low,
325  bspline_boundary bcY_low,
326  bspline_boundary bcZ_low,
327  bspline_boundary bcX_high,
328  bspline_boundary bcY_high,
329  bspline_boundary bcZ_high, const mesh_im &mim) {
331  GMM_ASSERT1(mf.linked_mesh().dim() == 3,
332  "This function expects a mesh_fem defined in 3d");
334  base_node Pmin, Pmax;
335  mf.linked_mesh().bounding_box(Pmin, Pmax);
336  const scalar_type x0=Pmin[0], x1=Pmax[0],
337  y0=Pmin[1], y1=Pmax[1],
338  z0=Pmin[2], z1=Pmax[2];
340  std::vector<scalar_type> xmin, xmax, xshift;
341  std::vector<size_type> xtype;
342  params_for_uniform_1d_bspline_basis_functions
343  (x0, x1, NX, order, bcX_low, bcX_high, // input
344  xmin, xmax, xshift, xtype); // output
345  std::vector<scalar_type> ymin, ymax, yshift;
346  std::vector<size_type> ytype;
347  params_for_uniform_1d_bspline_basis_functions
348  (y0, y1, NY, order, bcY_low, bcY_high, // input
349  ymin, ymax, yshift, ytype); // output
350  std::vector<scalar_type> zmin, zmax, zshift;
351  std::vector<size_type> ztype;
352  params_for_uniform_1d_bspline_basis_functions
353  (z0, z1, NZ, order, bcZ_low, bcZ_high, // input
354  zmin, zmax, zshift, ztype); // output
356  std::vector<pglobal_function> funcs(0);
357  for (size_type i=0; i < xtype.size(); ++i) {
358  for (size_type j=0; j < ytype.size(); ++j) {
359  for (size_type k=0; k < ztype.size(); ++k) {
361  bool has_xshift = gmm::abs(xshift[i]) >= 1e-10;
362  bool has_yshift = gmm::abs(yshift[j]) >= 1e-10;
363  bool has_zshift = gmm::abs(zshift[k]) >= 1e-10;
364  if (not(has_xshift) && not(has_yshift) && not(has_yshift))
365  funcs.push_back(global_function_bspline
366  (xmin[i], xmax[i],
367  ymin[j], ymax[j],
368  zmin[k], zmax[k],
369  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k])) ;
370  else {
371  std::vector<pglobal_function> sum;
372  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
373  (xmin[i], xmax[i],
374  ymin[j], ymax[j],
375  zmin[k], zmax[k],
376  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k]));
377  if (has_xshift) // xshift
378  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
379  (xmin[i]+xshift[i], xmax[i]+xshift[i],
380  ymin[j], ymax[j],
381  zmin[k], zmax[k],
382  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k]));
383  if (has_yshift) // yshift
384  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
385  (xmin[i], xmax[i],
386  ymin[j]+yshift[j], ymax[j]+yshift[j],
387  zmin[k], zmax[k],
388  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k]));
389  if (has_zshift) // zshift
390  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
391  (xmin[i], xmax[i],
392  ymin[j], ymax[j],
393  zmin[k]+zshift[k], zmax[k]+zshift[k],
394  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k]));
395  if (has_xshift && has_yshift) // xshift + yshift
396  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
397  (xmin[i]+xshift[i], xmax[i]+xshift[i],
398  ymin[j]+yshift[j], ymax[j]+yshift[j],
399  zmin[k], zmax[k],
400  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k]));
401  if (has_yshift && has_zshift) // yshift + zshift
402  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
403  (xmin[i], xmax[i],
404  ymin[j]+yshift[j], ymax[j]+yshift[j],
405  zmin[k]+zshift[k], zmax[k]+zshift[k],
406  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k]));
407  if (has_zshift && has_xshift) // zshift + xshift
408  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
409  (xmin[i]+xshift[i], xmax[i]+xshift[i],
410  ymin[j], ymax[j],
411  zmin[k]+zshift[k], zmax[k]+zshift[k],
412  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k]));
413  if (has_xshift && has_yshift && has_zshift) // xshift + yshift + zshift
414  sum.push_back(global_function_bspline
415  (xmin[i]+xshift[i], xmax[i]+xshift[i],
416  ymin[j]+yshift[j], ymax[j]+yshift[j],
417  zmin[k]+zshift[k], zmax[k]+zshift[k],
418  order, xtype[i], ytype[j], ztype[k]));
419  funcs.push_back(std::make_shared<getfem::global_function_sum>(sum));
420  }
421  } // k
422  } // j
423  } // i
424  mf.set_functions(funcs, mim);
425  }
427 }
429 /* end of namespace getfem */
this is a convenience class for defining a mesh_fem with base functions which are global functions (f...
const mesh & linked_mesh() const
Return a reference to the underlying mesh.
void set_finite_element(size_type cv, pfem pf)
Set the finite element method of a convex.
Describe an integration method linked to a mesh.
void bounding_box(base_node &Pmin, base_node &Pmax) const
Return the bounding box [Pmin - Pmax] of the mesh.
Define a mesh_fem with base functions which are global functions given by the user.
size_t size_type
used as the common size type in the library
Definition: bgeot_poly.h:49
GEneric Tool for Finite Element Methods.
void del_fem_global_function(const pfem &pf)
release a global function FEM
void define_uniform_bspline_basis_functions_for_mesh_fem(mesh_fem_global_function &mf, size_type NX, size_type order, bspline_boundary bcX_low=bspline_boundary::FREE, bspline_boundary bcX_high=bspline_boundary::FREE, const mesh_im &mim=dummy_mesh_im())
This function will generate bspline basis functions on NX uniform elements along a line.
const mesh_im & dummy_mesh_im()
Dummy mesh_im for default parameter of functions.
pfem new_fem_global_function(const std::vector< pglobal_function > &funcs, const mesh &m)
create a new global function FEM.

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