GetFEM  5.4.4
Dof description

This set of functions gives a pointer to dof descriptions and tests the compatibility between two dof descriptions. More...


 Finite element description


typedef dof_description * getfem::pdof_description
 Type representing a pointer on a dof_description.


pdof_description getfem::lagrange_dof (dim_type d)
 Description of a unique dof of lagrange type (value at the node). More...
pdof_description getfem::derivative_dof (dim_type d, dim_type r)
 Description of a unique dof of derivative type. More...
pdof_description getfem::second_derivative_dof (dim_type d, dim_type num_der1, dim_type num_der2)
 Description of a unique dof of second derivative type. More...
pdof_description getfem::normal_derivative_dof (dim_type d)
 Description of a unique dof of normal derivative type (normal derivative at the node, regarding a face). More...
pdof_description getfem::mean_value_dof (dim_type d)
 Description of a unique dof of mean value type. More...
pdof_description getfem::global_dof (dim_type d)
 Description of a global dof, i.e. More...
pdof_description getfem::product_dof (pdof_description pnd1, pdof_description pnd2)
 Product description of the descriptions *pnd1 and *pnd2.
pdof_description getfem::xfem_dof (pdof_description p, size_type ind)
 Description of a special dof for Xfem.
size_type getfem::dof_xfem_index (pdof_description)
 Returns the xfem_index of dof (0 for normal dof)
int getfem::dof_description_compare (pdof_description a, pdof_description b)
 Gives a total order on the dof description compatible with the identification.
bool getfem::dof_linkable (pdof_description)
 Says if the dof is linkable.
bool getfem::dof_compatibility (pdof_description, pdof_description)
 Says if the two dofs can be identified.

Detailed Description

This set of functions gives a pointer to dof descriptions and tests the compatibility between two dof descriptions.

A dof description describes a type of dof (Lagrange type, Hermite type ...) in order to be able to say wether two dofs are to be identified or not. The construction of dof type with the tensorial product is taken into account, making the dof_description structure a little bit complex (this structure will probably evoluate in the future).

Function Documentation

◆ lagrange_dof()

pdof_description getfem::lagrange_dof ( dim_type  d)

Description of a unique dof of lagrange type (value at the node).

dthe dimension of the reference element (2 for triangles, 3 for tetrahedrons ...)

Definition at line 391 of file

◆ derivative_dof()

pdof_description getfem::derivative_dof ( dim_type  d,
dim_type  r 

Description of a unique dof of derivative type.

(a derivative at the node).

dthe dimension of the reference element.
rcorresponds to the variable number for which the derivative is taken (0 <= r < d)

Definition at line 488 of file

◆ second_derivative_dof()

pdof_description getfem::second_derivative_dof ( dim_type  d,
dim_type  num_der1,
dim_type  num_der2 

Description of a unique dof of second derivative type.

dthe dimension of the reference element.
num_der1corresponds to the variable number for which the first derivative is taken (0 <= r < d)
num_der2corresponds to the variable number for which the second derivative is taken (0 <= r < d)

Definition at line 497 of file

◆ normal_derivative_dof()

pdof_description getfem::normal_derivative_dof ( dim_type  d)

Description of a unique dof of normal derivative type (normal derivative at the node, regarding a face).

dthe dimension of the reference element.

Definition at line 508 of file

◆ mean_value_dof()

pdof_description getfem::mean_value_dof ( dim_type  d)

Description of a unique dof of mean value type.

dthe dimension of the reference element.

Definition at line 535 of file

◆ global_dof()

pdof_description getfem::global_dof ( dim_type  d)

Description of a global dof, i.e.

a numbered dof having a global scope.

dthe dimension of the reference element.

Definition at line 543 of file

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